Mark Mikula - Software Engineer

Welcome to my personal website! Here, you can explore my projects, learn about my skills and passions, and find ways to contact me. Enjoy your stay!


My Projects

My Skills

My Passions

I have a deep passion for technology. My favorite topics are machine learning, operating systems, and programming. I've been fascinated by Linux's open-source philosophy and its community-driven development. I've experimented with various distributions, but I find myself coming back to Arch for my personal workstation due to its open-minded approach and rolling-edge update system, and to Debian for servers due to its stability and extensive software libraries.

Programming is another passion of mine. The ability to create and solve problems is incredibly satisfying. I enjoy exploring different programming languages and paradigms, but I have a particular fondness for Python due to its simplicity and versatility. I also enjoy programming in Java and consider it the best language to learn the advanced concepts of programming.

When I'm not coding or tinkering with Linux, I love to read. My favorite authors include the Strugatsky brothers and Stanislaw Lem, whose works have greatly influenced my perspective on science and technology.
